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Working as an escort is just like any other occupation. The rewards are even far much better than other official duties, however the only major difference that working as an escort has from other jobs is that it’s more socialized and the locations for the jobs. Some escort services are offered by girls who work independently while others are attached to various escort agencies who conduct all the logistics on their behalf. Such kinds of logistics include booking and any other arrangements for the services with clients. Escort services in the UK are legal and categorized under the adult entertainment industry. For this reason, the escort agencies obtain licenses for operation which offers security to the escorts, the agency and also the clients. Those escorts who work as individuals are also required to obtain licenses for their operations. For maximum protection, those escorts who are not citizens of UK also need to have working permits. This ensures that the interests of the escorts, both UK citizens and foreign are protected.

Escorts come into contact with so many clients and offer different services some of which go well beyond just the physical company to emotional and sensational comfort. Due to this reason, it should be noted that escorts might be exposed to certain health risks like contracting infections. This does not mean that escorts are disease ridden, no. Diseases can come from clients; however this can be taken care of. Most Escort agencies in the UK offer extensive advice and regular health check ups for the escorts and to ensure that safety is given priority. Those who work individually are also encouraged to visit clinics regularly. At these clinics the escorts are offered free hepatitis jabs, condoms, testing for overall health status and also advice on how to keep safe in their jobs. Sexual health here is a responsibility and one can be amazed at how these escorts put more attention to sexual health practices than even the average good time girls.

Outcall services might also cause hesitation on the safety of the escorts. These are services which require the escorts to offer their services in the comfort of residential places of clients. This can at times be very tricky to escorts; however there are certain procedures to ensuring safety. Foremost, the escort needs to have the full details of the client including their full names, residence and even occupation so as to verify with call directories or online to ensure that they have the correct identification of the client. The escort also should also know the terms of the contract which includes the services that the client will need in prior so that they know what is expected. In case one feels threatened, most agencies will offer body guards or security to keep watch on the escort. Those who work individually might also as well hire their own security so that nothing is left to chance.

Every escort can decide the time that is most convenient with them since others are mothers and have families which they also need to tend to. For self-employed escorts, this can be very easy for them while those working through agencies might not find it so. However, that should be agreed at the time of employment to ensure that every escort have their freedom.

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