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The escorts industry is indeed huge and London is definitely one of the best places to find high class escorts. Indeed, London does have a variety of escorts to offer, all the way from the western Americas and up to the Far East, London has it all! But how much non-native escorts are there working in the industry of London escorts and how much of a choice to the people really have in terms of booking an escort?
As research shows, most of the London escort market is dominated by non-native escorts. If an agency is recruiting international escorts, there is a likely chance that you will find only a few British escorts and a lot more non-native escorts to choose from. To put it down in numbers, it would approximately be around 80% of the whole London escort market which non-native escorts take up. Of course, having such a low count of British escorts has its own reasons and we will try to unveil some of them.
One of the biggest reasons is that London is one of the greatest cities in the world. It is said to be the capital of male fashion which leads to good looking men (potential clients), which are always a joy for any escort out there. On top of that, London is also huge, meaning that it has loads of potential customers to offer, as opposed to the capitals of some rather small countries. Looks like London has stabilized itself a reputation as a place with a lot of insanely handsome clients who are willing to treat their women right.
One other underlying reason as to why London may seem so attractive is the fact that Britain is an economically strong country. The British Pound is probably one of the strongest currencies in the world, which makes it one of the most desirable ones as well. It is no secret that top of the class escorts have high fees, meaning they rake up quite a bit of money and possibly more than working anywhere else in the world, especially when you convert the currency.
Does all of this mean that you will it will be extremely difficult to find a British escort for the evening? Most certainly not! Most escort agencies in London, or anywhere else really, have categorised the escorts shown off on their websites, making it easy to find an escort of the preferred choice, whether British or not.
All in all, it is clear that the majority of the London escorts are actually non-native escorts, which makes up around 80%, if you want the numbers. This is due to the fact that London is huge city and the capital of male fashion which leads to great clients wanting quality services from exotic escorts.


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